In the beginning .....

In the beginning there was the first manuscript, A New Day. During a year of living in Crete, which was filled with fantastic hiking and adventures and discoveries that ultimately culminated in a fabulous story about a young troubled woman who discovers a cave filled with Minoan paintings. She learns about, and from, this ancient culture that worshipped a Mother Goddess and was led by women.

 Minoan Goddess - Heraklion Museum circa 2000 - 1450BC
I returned home to a redundancy. Yes, I worked for the Government Minister who ended up resigning after having his driver transport his two dogs - Patch and Teddy - from his country residence to Melbourne. There is actually an explanation to this .....

With the redundancy came an invitation for further training to assist in transitioning for a new career. All of which has led me to this moment, sitting here swapping between two tabs - learning how to blog, and blogging. 


These threads are weaving together to help create my second manuscript, aka second novel, with the working title The Invisible Woman.

You are cordially invited to join me on this creative journey. I am proposing to share with you all aspects of how this inspiration becomes a manuscript: research, musings, ponderings, draft.

In about 4 weeks I am off to the South of France to research the folklore around Mary Magdalene (MM). My travels will also include a three day workshop with the renowned intuitive healer and author, Caroline Myss.

At this point I have only some vague concept of the book. I do know however that I will be walking in the footsteps of MM from her initial arrival at Sainte Maries de la Mer around AD 47. For those intrigued about this concept, I will use the next few weeks to prepare the ground work - as I research the Cathars, Knights of Templar and legends of the Holy Grail (spoil alert - MM!!!).

Ah the awakening of the feminine consciousness ... gotta love it ❤


  1. Wow, Karen! Would you believe we fly on Sunday to that neck of the woods. It sounds really interesting and I'll be curious to see the conversation as it unfolds. In the meantime, maybe I'll acquire some images that you might enjoy - stay tuned!


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